Hello. My 22 year old stepdaughter is covered under my Cigna PPO through my employer. She’s pregnant and due in May, and with her mounting prenatal and labor and delivery costs even under this PPO, and the fact the PPO wold not cover the labor, delivery or the baby once he’s born, she pursued and has been approved for Medicaid.
How do we handle these two coverages? Can she have both coverages? Does she let any provider know she has both and they determine the best one to use? I’m sure the PPO’s in network providers list is broader than Medicaid’s list, and are there quality of care issues involved? Thanks!
submitted by /u/bobogator
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Hello. My 22 year old stepdaughter is covered under my Cigna PPO through my employer. She’s pregnant and due in May, and with her mounting prenatal and labor and delivery costs even under this PPO, and the fact the PPO wold not cover the labor, delivery or the baby once he’s born, she pursued and has been approved for Medicaid. How do we handle these two coverages? Can she have both coverages? Does she let any provider know she has both and they determine the best one to use? I’m sure the PPO’s in network providers list is broader than Medicaid’s list, and are there quality of care issues involved? Thanks!
submitted by /u/bobogator [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance