Do you need to work full-time to get health insurance from work?

I live and work in Massachusetts, I’m 26 with no urgent health problems. I get paid hourly, I might get around $40-50k this year(hard to tell because sometimes my hours go over 40 a week and I get overtime). I probably should have just asked my work but I don’t want them to think that I’m not trying to work. Anyway, I work 40 hours a week(sometimes 50+ in the summer) but I don’t like working in the winter. I like to take January-March off to visit family, friends or even travel. So I’m basically just wondering if I work full time 9 months out the year, would I qualify for health insurance from work?

submitted by /u/dayfarting
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I live and work in Massachusetts, I’m 26 with no urgent health problems. I get paid hourly, I might get around $40-50k this year(hard to tell because sometimes my hours go over 40 a week and I get overtime). I probably should have just asked my work but I don’t want them to think that I’m not trying to work. Anyway, I work 40 hours a week(sometimes 50+ in the summer) but I don’t like working in the winter. I like to take January-March off to visit family, friends or even travel. So I’m basically just wondering if I work full time 9 months out the year, would I qualify for health insurance from work?
submitted by /u/dayfarting [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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