Does an employer have authority to deny a procedure that an insurance provider approves?

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Situation:

  • Person has health insurance through their work (Cigna, best plan)
  • Person’s employer happens to be a hospital network
  • Person needs an operation and it is to be preformed at an out of network facility (and not the person’s work either)
  • Cigna approves it, but says the procedure is denied because the employer said so.

Cigna is saying, “oh yeah we would approve that, but your employer wont let us”. Is that legal? A thing? Why? (Florida)

submitted by /u/mr_rob_oto
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I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Situation:
Person has health insurance through their work (Cigna, best plan)
Person’s employer happens to be a hospital network
Person needs an operation and it is to be preformed at an out of network facility (and not the person’s work either)
Cigna approves it, but says the procedure is denied because the employer said so.

Cigna is saying, “oh yeah we would approve that, but your employer wont let us”. Is that legal? A thing? Why? (Florida)
submitted by /u/mr_rob_oto [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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