Eddie Glaude Jr., an Expert on James Baldwin, Reveals His Favorite Baldwin Book

Glaude, the author of “Begin Again,” says that “No Name in the Street” (1972) “tries to offer an account of what happened between Little Rock, Dr. King’s assassination and the emergence of Black Power. Trauma and wound saturate his sentences, and his memory fails him in places. It is a masterpiece at the level of form and substance.”Glaude, the author of “Begin Again,” says that “No Name in the Street” (1972) “tries to offer an account of what happened between Little Rock, Dr. King’s assassination and the emergence of Black Power. Trauma and wound saturate his sentences, and his memory fails him in places. It is a masterpiece at the level of form and substance.”Read MoreBooks and Literature, Writing and Writers, Content Type: Personal Profile, Baldwin, James (1924-87), Glaude, Eddie S Jr

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