Employer “helped” us into terrible insurance, and I signed off like an idiot. is there anything I can do?

My (F32) husband’s (30) job provided insurance up until this year. I don’t understand exactly what happened but the boss gave us the info for the guy who’d done it previously. Which was nice, as I’ve been navigating this on my own, and we’re in the middle of about 8 family emergencies so I didn’t have the bandwidth to pay enough attention.

But we got a plan I could pay for and it seemed like it would be fine for what we need, cool, gave him permission to do it and then just paid my premium and honestly, moved on to the next crisis.

Spouse wasn’t feeling well so I went and checked to see what a GP visit would run us and found out literally everything is % after our 5900/each deductible. That’s a quarter of his income and almost the same for me. I sent this guy an email asking to clarify if the plan is as bad as it appears.

Everything is on me since I gave him the ok and paid for it and I know I can’t fix that, but the spouse has chest pains and we’re barely scraping by as it is, a doctor visit out of pocket is a nightmare.

I know “too stressed to function” isn’t an option on the marketplace as a good reason to choose a new plan, but is there a chance or an angle I could approach it? I’m at a loss. I’m paying $158 premium after a shitload of tax credits and our gross income is around 30-40k depending on how much I can freelance. And our zip is 23503, we’re in southern VA.

He’s still employed at the same place but there’s only 2 full time employees so the insurance was never a must from what I understand.

(Edited to add income details, his job status, and zip code because I was deeply unclear)

submitted by /u/therumorhargreeves
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My (F32) husband’s (30) job provided insurance up until this year. I don’t understand exactly what happened but the boss gave us the info for the guy who’d done it previously. Which was nice, as I’ve been navigating this on my own, and we’re in the middle of about 8 family emergencies so I didn’t have the bandwidth to pay enough attention. But we got a plan I could pay for and it seemed like it would be fine for what we need, cool, gave him permission to do it and then just paid my premium and honestly, moved on to the next crisis. Spouse wasn’t feeling well so I went and checked to see what a GP visit would run us and found out literally everything is % after our 5900/each deductible. That’s a quarter of his income and almost the same for me. I sent this guy an email asking to clarify if the plan is as bad as it appears. Everything is on me since I gave him the ok and paid for it and I know I can’t fix that, but the spouse has chest pains and we’re barely scraping by as it is, a doctor visit out of pocket is a nightmare. I know “too stressed to function” isn’t an option on the marketplace as a good reason to choose a new plan, but is there a chance or an angle I could approach it? I’m at a loss. I’m paying $158 premium after a shitload of tax credits and our gross income is around 30-40k depending on how much I can freelance. And our zip is 23503, we’re in southern VA. He’s still employed at the same place but there’s only 2 full time employees so the insurance was never a must from what I understand. (Edited to add income details, his job status, and zip code because I was deeply unclear)
submitted by /u/therumorhargreeves [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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