Hello everyone,
My mother passed away in July 2020 and I and still getting EOBs from her insurance. No bills have come but I am tired of the constant reminder she is gone when I receive her mail. I contacted her insurance company and they said there is no time limit on when claims can be made to her insurance and even 100 years after her death, if there is a claim, they will produce an EOB. Can someone verify this? Or how can I stop them from coming?
submitted by /u/plainbananatoast
[link] [comments]Hello everyone, My mother passed away in July 2020 and I and still getting EOBs from her insurance. No bills have come but I am tired of the constant reminder she is gone when I receive her mail. I contacted her insurance company and they said there is no time limit on when claims can be made to her insurance and even 100 years after her death, if there is a claim, they will produce an EOB. Can someone verify this? Or how can I stop them from coming? submitted by /u/plainbananatoast [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance