Florida ObamaCare. On Florida BlueSelect Silver. Any PPOs w/ Larger Network? How Are Aetna and Cigna?

I’m currently on Florida BlueSelect 1443, a PPO.

With my former employer I had Blue Cross PPO and could go to any doctor anywhere.

BlueSelect’s network is only half that of regular Blue Cross so I find 1/2 the doctors I want don’t take my insurance.

I’m looking into BlueOptions now but don’t know if it’s viable price wise. Can anyone speak to Aetna, Cigna or any of the other companies. Do they have better networks/ benefits than BlueSelect?

submitted by /u/InspectorGadget07
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I’m currently on Florida BlueSelect 1443, a PPO. With my former employer I had Blue Cross PPO and could go to any doctor anywhere. BlueSelect’s network is only half that of regular Blue Cross so I find 1/2 the doctors I want don’t take my insurance. I’m looking into BlueOptions now but don’t know if it’s viable price wise. Can anyone speak to Aetna, Cigna or any of the other companies. Do they have better networks/ benefits than BlueSelect?
submitted by /u/InspectorGadget07 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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