Found out I have melanoma right as my health insurance changed. Could the new insurance company consider it a pre-existing condition and not cover it?

(28F) I went to the dermatologist on 11/10 to have a mole looked at it. The doctor decided to remove it and sent it out for a biopsy. During this time I had Anthem as my health insurance provider.

On 11/17 I was promoted so my company/position technically changed, and I also changed insurance companies. My new coverage (United healthcare) started on 12/1. I did not have a lapse in coverage.

Unfortunately I found out on 12/4 I have malignant melanoma. I go to the next doctor on 12/15. It’s a bummer, but I’m staying optimistic.

My question is will my new insurance consider this a pre-existing condition and try not to cover it?

submitted by /u/mermaidfarfromsea
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(28F) I went to the dermatologist on 11/10 to have a mole looked at it. The doctor decided to remove it and sent it out for a biopsy. During this time I had Anthem as my health insurance provider. On 11/17 I was promoted so my company/position technically changed, and I also changed insurance companies. My new coverage (United healthcare) started on 12/1. I did not have a lapse in coverage. Unfortunately I found out on 12/4 I have malignant melanoma. I go to the next doctor on 12/15. It’s a bummer, but I’m staying optimistic. My question is will my new insurance consider this a pre-existing condition and try not to cover it?
submitted by /u/mermaidfarfromsea [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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