Got aid now not sure what to do..

So I was in an accident in April and had to spend a couple hours in the hospital. My bill came out to over $20,000. My insurance should have paid the out of network cost leaving me a balance of 20%.

I knew that would be too much for me to handle so I applied for the hospital charity and I got it. The insurance said they are “waiting on funds” to pay and my status is “approved pending funds” My question is will the discount the hospital charity apply to my balance after the insurance kicks in or do I pay or wait or what do I do? They sent me a new much more manageable balance after I applied but that was a discount on the whole bill not the leftover from insurance. I now owe about $1000.

Do I tell my insurance?

submitted by /u/alexandranevada
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So I was in an accident in April and had to spend a couple hours in the hospital. My bill came out to over $20,000. My insurance should have paid the out of network cost leaving me a balance of 20%. I knew that would be too much for me to handle so I applied for the hospital charity and I got it. The insurance said they are “waiting on funds” to pay and my status is “approved pending funds” My question is will the discount the hospital charity apply to my balance after the insurance kicks in or do I pay or wait or what do I do? They sent me a new much more manageable balance after I applied but that was a discount on the whole bill not the leftover from insurance. I now owe about $1000. Do I tell my insurance?
submitted by /u/alexandranevada [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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