HD HSA plan or PPO no HSA if planning on baby?

I’m a relatively healthy 30 something yr old planning on a baby on 2021. I can see the benefit to the tax free HSA but is that benefit worth the HD when my use of doctor’s visit might increase once I get pregnant? The internets seem to suggest PPO non HSA with lower deductible might be best. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/lauravcc
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I’m a relatively healthy 30 something yr old planning on a baby on 2021. I can see the benefit to the tax free HSA but is that benefit worth the HD when my use of doctor’s visit might increase once I get pregnant? The internets seem to suggest PPO non HSA with lower deductible might be best. Thoughts?
submitted by /u/lauravcc [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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