HDHP – prenatal genetic test applied to deductible

Here is my scenario. I have a HDHP and am expecting my first child with my wife. We both have separate individual plans at Aetna for the time being. In the early stages of the pregnancy I was told to take a genetic test as my wife was a carrier for 3 potential things. When looking at my health care plan it says:

Pre-natal care This is preventive care to check the health of the mother and baby during pregnancy.

Even though this test was taken by me, it was to ensure the safety of the baby. As of now Aetna has applied two of these tests to my deductible and a 3rd test they are completely denying.

Do you think I have any leg to stand on in getting Aetna to cover this? I’ve appealed once which resulted in them overturning all 3 claims and allowing 2 of them to be applied to my deductible, but this doesn’t help much as I am still paying the entire full cost for all 3 (around $4,500).

submitted by /u/JCS190
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Here is my scenario. I have a HDHP and am expecting my first child with my wife. We both have separate individual plans at Aetna for the time being. In the early stages of the pregnancy I was told to take a genetic test as my wife was a carrier for 3 potential things. When looking at my health care plan it says: Pre-natal care This is preventive care to check the health of the mother and baby during pregnancy. Even though this test was taken by me, it was to ensure the safety of the baby. As of now Aetna has applied two of these tests to my deductible and a 3rd test they are completely denying. Do you think I have any leg to stand on in getting Aetna to cover this? I’ve appealed once which resulted in them overturning all 3 claims and allowing 2 of them to be applied to my deductible, but this doesn’t help much as I am still paying the entire full cost for all 3 (around $4,500).
submitted by /u/JCS190 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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