Help! A little lost and don’t want to get scammed.

As of October 1st, I have been without health insurance. I want to get on ASAP.

I quit my corporate job to pursue my dream of becoming an entrepreneur. I’ve been doing consulting work, and it’s working! I have income.

From some Google searches, I ended up on the phone with some “health care professional agents”. They call me nonstop, want payment over the phone, and offer me policies from sketchy email addresses. It doesn’t feel right, it feels uncomfortable.

Where can I shop for policies to get on something ASAP – and also ensuring I don’t get scammed at the same time?

Just need some guidance thank you.

***Edit: I am a male, 28, in the state of MI

submitted by /u/MasculineMoose
[link] [comments]As of October 1st, I have been without health insurance. I want to get on ASAP. I quit my corporate job to pursue my dream of becoming an entrepreneur. I’ve been doing consulting work, and it’s working! I have income. From some Google searches, I ended up on the phone with some “health care professional agents”. They call me nonstop, want payment over the phone, and offer me policies from sketchy email addresses. It doesn’t feel right, it feels uncomfortable. Where can I shop for policies to get on something ASAP – and also ensuring I don’t get scammed at the same time? Just need some guidance thank you. ***Edit: I am a male, 28, in the state of MI submitted by /u/MasculineMoose [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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