How can I find out which health insurance provider I have?

Long story short, my mom had her friend who works in HI to set me up with a provider. For one month she said I would have one insurance. Then after that I would automatically switched over to another one. That was back in last October. I don’t know if I have Medicare or Fidelis. I also have both cards and neither have an expiration date. Please help.

submitted by /u/UghIDKMaybe
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Long story short, my mom had her friend who works in HI to set me up with a provider. For one month she said I would have one insurance. Then after that I would automatically switched over to another one. That was back in last October. I don’t know if I have Medicare or Fidelis. I also have both cards and neither have an expiration date. Please help.
submitted by /u/UghIDKMaybe [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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