How much does a (healthy) family of 5 contribute to HSA on average?

Hello! Health insurance has always confused the heck out of me, so I’m hoping someone can help me out. My company offers a CDHP with HSA plan which is what I’m going with for financial reasons.

The company contributes 1K a year to the HSA. My question is, how much should I contribute?None of us have any major medical issues that require regular visits or specialists, so we pretty much just do yearly & sick visits.

submitted by /u/Duhitzjenjen
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Hello! Health insurance has always confused the heck out of me, so I’m hoping someone can help me out. My company offers a CDHP with HSA plan which is what I’m going with for financial reasons. The company contributes 1K a year to the HSA. My question is, how much should I contribute?None of us have any major medical issues that require regular visits or specialists, so we pretty much just do yearly & sick visits.
submitted by /u/Duhitzjenjen [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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