How to allow users to toggle between drag and drop and keyboard navigation


I have an accessibility question. I am working on a course for young kids that will feature drag and drops. The course needs to be accessible to keyboard navigation, though, and I’d like to allow learners to switch between “drag” and “click” mode, like this Storyline sample:

I know how to do this in Storyline, but am still getting my feet wet with Captivate. Rather than try to do this on one slide, I’m thinking that I might create the drag and drop interaction on a slide and a click interaction on another slide. If a learner selects the drag option, they’ll go to the other variation of the slide. Any thoughts, recommendations, better ideas?


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Seeking advice on best method for switching between drag and drop and keyboard navigation.
The post How to allow users to toggle between drag and drop and keyboard navigation appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreAccessibility, Discussion, Keyboard accessibility, discussion, keyboard accessibility

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