I work two full time jobs and am about to start a third one full time.
One of the current jobs charges me about $50 a month for a premium plan. The other is 100% free.
The third job I’m about to start is also free.
I have health insurance through my current first two jobs, but am hesitant to sign up for health insurance for the third one and have THREE plans.
Thing is, I am not LIKELY to stay at the other two jobs very much longer. I’m hoping the third job is a place I like and am happy enough to let go of the other two after a few months.
So should I keep the two plans I have now and take on the third one or what combination to pick and why?
submitted by /u/RemoteDesktop
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I work two full time jobs and am about to start a third one full time. One of the current jobs charges me about $50 a month for a premium plan. The other is 100% free. The third job I’m about to start is also free. I have health insurance through my current first two jobs, but am hesitant to sign up for health insurance for the third one and have THREE plans. Thing is, I am not LIKELY to stay at the other two jobs very much longer. I’m hoping the third job is a place I like and am happy enough to let go of the other two after a few months. So should I keep the two plans I have now and take on the third one or what combination to pick and why?
submitted by /u/RemoteDesktop [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance