I have two insurance plans, is it possible to choose which one is “primary”? Does it make a difference?

Hello everyone,

Basically I’m in a situation where I’m getting a ton of bills from the hospital (birth of a child in October, yay!) and I’m seeing some scary numbers in the billing portal. I can’t find any info that’s relevant to my situation on Google, so I’m hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.

I have a full time job that gives me benefits, including health plan “FT”. Coverage started a couple of months ago.

I also still have the health insurance through my old job, because I’ve stayed on in a part-time consulting role working enough average hours per month to be eligible for full benefits. This gets me health care plan “PT”, the same one I’ve had since 2016. If it makes a difference: I will likely leave this part time role and lose this extra coverage early next year.

Plan PT seems to be being billed as the primary insurance, which isn’t great because the coverage isn’t as good as plan FT for a few reasons, and even in normal circumstances it wouldn’t cover as much. Deductibles and premiums and all that are much higher. If I had to choose one or the other I would definitely use Plan FT.

Are they using PT as primary just because I had it first? When I asked about this at the hospital a few months ago they said something like “the insurance companies coordinate among themselves and you pay whatever remainder there is” and not to worry. But now I’m thinking I need to designate one? Or submit them again, or in a different way? Everything we’re being billed for is in-network for both.

My partner is the one who gave birth the baby, so they are on a lot of the bills but are covered as dependents. I don’t know if this changes anything but we are an unmarried same-sex couple. Same household, she has zero income and all coverage comes from my plans.

When I search for primary/secondary I am seeing dozens of articles that explain the idea to people who have another through a spouse (doesn’t apply here), or are under 26 (doesn’t apply here), or something like that. Never being the main account holder on both.

I am having trouble forming all of this into a coherent question, but within all of that there are a few questions and concerns. I was wondering if anyone who understands health insurance could take a look and let me know what to expect, be on the lookout for, or any actions I should take.

Thank you

edit: state is MA

submitted by /u/healthinsquestions
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Hello everyone, Basically I’m in a situation where I’m getting a ton of bills from the hospital (birth of a child in October, yay!) and I’m seeing some scary numbers in the billing portal. I can’t find any info that’s relevant to my situation on Google, so I’m hoping someone here can point me in the right direction. I have a full time job that gives me benefits, including health plan “FT”. Coverage started a couple of months ago. I also still have the health insurance through my old job, because I’ve stayed on in a part-time consulting role working enough average hours per month to be eligible for full benefits. This gets me health care plan “PT”, the same one I’ve had since 2016. If it makes a difference: I will likely leave this part time role and lose this extra coverage early next year. Plan PT seems to be being billed as the primary insurance, which isn’t great because the coverage isn’t as good as plan FT for a few reasons, and even in normal circumstances it wouldn’t cover as much. Deductibles and premiums and all that are much higher. If I had to choose one or the other I would definitely use Plan FT. Are they using PT as primary just because I had it first? When I asked about this at the hospital a few months ago they said something like “the insurance companies coordinate among themselves and you pay whatever remainder there is” and not to worry. But now I’m thinking I need to designate one? Or submit them again, or in a different way? Everything we’re being billed for is in-network for both. My partner is the one who gave birth the baby, so they are on a lot of the bills but are covered as dependents. I don’t know if this changes anything but we are an unmarried same-sex couple. Same household, she has zero income and all coverage comes from my plans. When I search for primary/secondary I am seeing dozens of articles that explain the idea to people who have another through a spouse (doesn’t apply here), or are under 26 (doesn’t apply here), or something like that. Never being the main account holder on both. I am having trouble forming all of this into a coherent question, but within all of that there are a few questions and concerns. I was wondering if anyone who understands health insurance could take a look and let me know what to expect, be on the lookout for, or any actions I should take. Thank you edit: state is MA
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