I messed up pretty bad

I missed the enrollment period for my works health insurance, I’ve sponged off my parents plan until I turned 26 so I’ve never attempted to purchase insurance for myself. I don’t even know where to begin and what my options are. My work would of been $44 a paycheck. I’m hoping to find a company to get insurance through that is similarly priced. I’ve had to go to the doctors once in the last 4 years. What happens if I just don’t sign up for insurance? Will I be screwed during tax time? Any suggestions or advice would be fantastic. I live in Washington state.

submitted by /u/Global-Juggernaut270
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I missed the enrollment period for my works health insurance, I’ve sponged off my parents plan until I turned 26 so I’ve never attempted to purchase insurance for myself. I don’t even know where to begin and what my options are. My work would of been $44 a paycheck. I’m hoping to find a company to get insurance through that is similarly priced. I’ve had to go to the doctors once in the last 4 years. What happens if I just don’t sign up for insurance? Will I be screwed during tax time? Any suggestions or advice would be fantastic. I live in Washington state.
submitted by /u/Global-Juggernaut270 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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