I Need Advice!!!!

I just got a new job and I contacted my employers insurance company. They are telling me that I need to get insurance through my employer and not through covered California. They say I can get fined by the IRS if I dont get my employers insurance. They say its a good insurance and that my employer will pay 50% of my insurance but if I add my son I would have to pay 100% which is around $800 a month for the premium and 0 deductible but I don’t even go to the doctor. That makes no sense to me. Can someone give me advice?

submitted by /u/Bulky-Watch9636
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I just got a new job and I contacted my employers insurance company. They are telling me that I need to get insurance through my employer and not through covered California. They say I can get fined by the IRS if I dont get my employers insurance. They say its a good insurance and that my employer will pay 50% of my insurance but if I add my son I would have to pay 100% which is around $800 a month for the premium and 0 deductible but I don’t even go to the doctor. That makes no sense to me. Can someone give me advice?
submitted by /u/Bulky-Watch9636 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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