In need of best way to continue potential surgery

I’m a little embarrassed to post this as I myself am in the healthcare industry. However, my brain turned into absolute mush when I thought about the situation I’m currently in. As of right now I have private insurance as my primary through my father (I’m about to be 25 this month) & my secondary is state insurance because I’ve been unemployed.

As of today I just excepted an offer for a job to start in September. I was supposed to have surgery almost a year ago and was even on the table as of April of this year but the team messed up and I decided to go to another provider. A lot of my testing won’t be done until late September and I know I’ll have to come off the state insurance as soon as I’m on-boarded.

I really really don’t want to have to pay OOP and I’m honestly trying to figure out how to keep the best coverage. My father’s is AMAZING, and I’m hoping my new insurance isn’t extremely expensive per pay-period but don’t know yet.

I feel like I’m having one of those moments where the answer is there in my face but I just can’t see it because I’m panicking lol

submitted by /u/uncouth_virgo
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I’m a little embarrassed to post this as I myself am in the healthcare industry. However, my brain turned into absolute mush when I thought about the situation I’m currently in. As of right now I have private insurance as my primary through my father (I’m about to be 25 this month) & my secondary is state insurance because I’ve been unemployed. As of today I just excepted an offer for a job to start in September. I was supposed to have surgery almost a year ago and was even on the table as of April of this year but the team messed up and I decided to go to another provider. A lot of my testing won’t be done until late September and I know I’ll have to come off the state insurance as soon as I’m on-boarded. I really really don’t want to have to pay OOP and I’m honestly trying to figure out how to keep the best coverage. My father’s is AMAZING, and I’m hoping my new insurance isn’t extremely expensive per pay-period but don’t know yet. I feel like I’m having one of those moments where the answer is there in my face but I just can’t see it because I’m panicking lol
submitted by /u/uncouth_virgo [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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