Insurance can’t find specialist to treat condition

Pretty straight forward, I need to see a neurologist for the treatment of Narcolepsy, but my insurance can’t seem to find a specialist. They’ve been referring me to different doctors for 6 months already and every single time I call the new one, they say they don’t treat sleep disorders. I’m extremely fed up, as my condition is affecting my ability to work, and to function in general. I was told I could be referred to an out of network provider and that I would have to pay in full… is that true? I thought if they didn’t have a suitable provider that was covered, my insurance would have to cover the additional cost. Not sure where I heard that from, but if I have to pay for an out of network in full, I wouldn’t even need them to refer me, I could do it myself. Any insight would be helpful, as I’ve heard conflicting things.

submitted by /u/Automaticxchaos
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Pretty straight forward, I need to see a neurologist for the treatment of Narcolepsy, but my insurance can’t seem to find a specialist. They’ve been referring me to different doctors for 6 months already and every single time I call the new one, they say they don’t treat sleep disorders. I’m extremely fed up, as my condition is affecting my ability to work, and to function in general. I was told I could be referred to an out of network provider and that I would have to pay in full… is that true? I thought if they didn’t have a suitable provider that was covered, my insurance would have to cover the additional cost. Not sure where I heard that from, but if I have to pay for an out of network in full, I wouldn’t even need them to refer me, I could do it myself. Any insight would be helpful, as I’ve heard conflicting things.
submitted by /u/Automaticxchaos [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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