Looking for stories of negative experiences with junk insurance

[Mods please remove if inappropriate] Hello! I work with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and, in coalition with several other national patient advocacy groups, we’re trying to collect stories about those who’ve had bad experiences with non ACA compliant insurance like short-term plans, healthcare sharing ministries, etc. These stories would be used in a report to Congress to highlight the problems with these types of “insurance” and bring federal legislation forward to limit the spread of non ACA compliant plans. Feel free to message me if you’d prefer. These stories are so critical in illustrating the problems with these plans for federal legislators, especially in protecting people with pre-existing protections. Thanks in advance for sharing your stories.

submitted by /u/hcadv
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[Mods please remove if inappropriate] Hello! I work with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and, in coalition with several other national patient advocacy groups, we’re trying to collect stories about those who’ve had bad experiences with non ACA compliant insurance like short-term plans, healthcare sharing ministries, etc. These stories would be used in a report to Congress to highlight the problems with these types of “insurance” and bring federal legislation forward to limit the spread of non ACA compliant plans. Feel free to message me if you’d prefer. These stories are so critical in illustrating the problems with these plans for federal legislators, especially in protecting people with pre-existing protections. Thanks in advance for sharing your stories.
submitted by /u/hcadv [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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