Multiple choice without a submit button

I would like to be able to have multiple-choice questions without the need for a submit button. The idea is to make it easier and faster for the user. Instead of the user having to select the option and then press submit, I want them to only have to select the option and the system do an auto-submit. In other words, it takes the option by only selecting it. The idea is to make the interactions quicker and easier so that I can have more of them. This is not meant for a graded quiz but for having the user interact while also providing some formative feedback.

There is an action option for each choice but the action is only taken when the user presses the submit button. I want to eliminate that requirement of pressing the submit button step.

I have a similar question for a drop-down list but I placed it in a different posting to make sure that they do not mess up each other. Thanks.

The post Multiple choice without a submit button appeared first on eLearning.

Question: How to eliminate the need for a submit button in a multiple-choice question? How to have it as an auto-submit? How to reduce the minimum required number of clicks in a multiple-choice question/
The post Multiple choice without a submit button appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreDiscussion, custom multiple choice question, discussion, eLearning interactions, Interactions, interactive elearning, Learning Interactions, widgets

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