If it helps my dentist in Chattanooga TN, and I could post my insurance if the rules allow me to.
I spent alot of time in the dentist at the end of 2020. I had my last procedure done around the 16th of December. Before they did any work they checked to see if what they were going to be doing was approved by my insurance. Then I would sign some paperwork with what I was supposed to pay and I would pay my part after the procedure. I received a phone call from my dentist on the 12th of April, telling me my insurance is not going to pay for the procedure I had done on the 16th because I went over my cap for the year ( or something). This is confusing to me because they had previously approved it or my dentist would not have allowed me to have the work done. My dentist has refused to let me have work done because of this before. Is there anything I can do
submitted by /u/bluevega01
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If it helps my dentist in Chattanooga TN, and I could post my insurance if the rules allow me to. I spent alot of time in the dentist at the end of 2020. I had my last procedure done around the 16th of December. Before they did any work they checked to see if what they were going to be doing was approved by my insurance. Then I would sign some paperwork with what I was supposed to pay and I would pay my part after the procedure. I received a phone call from my dentist on the 12th of April, telling me my insurance is not going to pay for the procedure I had done on the 16th because I went over my cap for the year ( or something). This is confusing to me because they had previously approved it or my dentist would not have allowed me to have the work done. My dentist has refused to let me have work done because of this before. Is there anything I can do
submitted by /u/bluevega01 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance