Need Help Understanding Out of Pocket Maximum

18yo, just became eligible for insurance at my new job. I’d normally still be using my dad’s isurance, except I have a specific surgery I need, that wouldn’t be covered by his, and where I work says that any of their plans would cover it. I know that the surgery is going to cost more than the out of pocket maximum for either plan, so is it simply more cost effective to go with the option for the lowest out of pocket? It’s also the plan with the lower monthly cost, though a higher deductible.

submitted by /u/chwisuwu
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18yo, just became eligible for insurance at my new job. I’d normally still be using my dad’s isurance, except I have a specific surgery I need, that wouldn’t be covered by his, and where I work says that any of their plans would cover it. I know that the surgery is going to cost more than the out of pocket maximum for either plan, so is it simply more cost effective to go with the option for the lowest out of pocket? It’s also the plan with the lower monthly cost, though a higher deductible.
submitted by /u/chwisuwu [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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