Need insurance for 2 months – what are my options?

Hello! I’m in an awkward spot where I’m turning 26 in May and therefore losing insurance coverage with my parents, but I’m starting a new school which has coverage. That coverage doesn’t start until August 1, however, and so I’ll be without insurance from May until the start of August. Can someone help me figure out what my options for coverage are during this short window? I live in Kansas and work part time, if that helps. Thanks!

submitted by /u/BoogVonPop
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Hello! I’m in an awkward spot where I’m turning 26 in May and therefore losing insurance coverage with my parents, but I’m starting a new school which has coverage. That coverage doesn’t start until August 1, however, and so I’ll be without insurance from May until the start of August. Can someone help me figure out what my options for coverage are during this short window? I live in Kansas and work part time, if that helps. Thanks!
submitted by /u/BoogVonPop [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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