New Employer – HSA Question (MA, USA)

I think this question is straightforward but maybe not.

I have a new employer as of 1.1.21. This employer’s health insurance has the option to save in an HSA. I want to do this, but need to know if it’s allowed.

The lady who gave me a breakdown of benefits told me I may not qualify. It depends on my wife’s health insurance at her job. She said I need to find out of my wife’s employer’s plan is HSA-qualified.

My wife and I have separate insurance. Her insurance is through her job, and mine is through my job.

Was the woman I spoke to correct? I would think my wife’s insurance has nothing to do with mine in this case but of course I don’t know. I have done some high level research and I have found conflicting information.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

submitted by /u/DAB12AC
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I think this question is straightforward but maybe not. I have a new employer as of 1.1.21. This employer’s health insurance has the option to save in an HSA. I want to do this, but need to know if it’s allowed. The lady who gave me a breakdown of benefits told me I may not qualify. It depends on my wife’s health insurance at her job. She said I need to find out of my wife’s employer’s plan is HSA-qualified. My wife and I have separate insurance. Her insurance is through her job, and mine is through my job. Was the woman I spoke to correct? I would think my wife’s insurance has nothing to do with mine in this case but of course I don’t know. I have done some high level research and I have found conflicting information. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by /u/DAB12AC [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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