New overlords state paying for employee premiums is illegal.

Hello, ‘Merica! Soo, I’m in an interesting situation that I couldn’t find a google answer to. I used to work for a company that paid my Health Insurance premiums monthly. They also paid up to $1500/yr for medical expenses. I just had to bring receipts. This was a thing, a good thing I thought, that we had going for years (20+). We, unfortunately, are having to go through a “corporate” merger. Now I work for a company that states that this system is “Illegal”. I was a little taken back, needless to say. Of course, I will have to comply with all the new rules and regulations but my main question is, are they correct by stating paying for an employee’s health insurance premiums and up to $1500 of medical expenses is actually illegal?

submitted by /u/Sertaine
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Hello, ‘Merica! Soo, I’m in an interesting situation that I couldn’t find a google answer to. I used to work for a company that paid my Health Insurance premiums monthly. They also paid up to $1500/yr for medical expenses. I just had to bring receipts. This was a thing, a good thing I thought, that we had going for years (20+). We, unfortunately, are having to go through a “corporate” merger. Now I work for a company that states that this system is “Illegal”. I was a little taken back, needless to say. Of course, I will have to comply with all the new rules and regulations but my main question is, are they correct by stating paying for an employee’s health insurance premiums and up to $1500 of medical expenses is actually illegal?
submitted by /u/Sertaine [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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