New to health insurance market. How to understand “health insurance” as concept and how to make effective choices between plans for my health needs? Understanding legal liabilities, employer plans and other nuances of insurance care?

I apologize if the flair is weird. I chose the employer flair due to the fact that I am wishing to ask about a plan offered to my by an insurer as well as t how employer offered insurance works

A state supplied plan or an employer plan that covers long term

An employer plan at a new job includes all sorts of benefits…however..I understand that these would be coming.

Being a dependent on my parents health insurance until losing job some years ago forced me to be more conscious of health decisions and health financing

How long is one allowed to stay in

Also interested in the legal isdues

submitted by /u/mtmag_dev52
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I apologize if the flair is weird. I chose the employer flair due to the fact that I am wishing to ask about a plan offered to my by an insurer as well as t how employer offered insurance works A state supplied plan or an employer plan that covers long term An employer plan at a new job includes all sorts of benefits…however..I understand that these would be coming. Being a dependent on my parents health insurance until losing job some years ago forced me to be more conscious of health decisions and health financing How long is one allowed to stay in Also interested in the legal isdues
submitted by /u/mtmag_dev52 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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