Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but how do I obtain my medical records?

So growing up I’ve had a Pediatrician in New Jersey, then when I graduated from college in 2016 I had a PCP in Boston. Then in 2018 I switched my PCP to a doctor in San Francisco, then in 2019 I had switched it to a doctor in Oakland.

I had been admitted to Graduate School in NYC and they are asking for MMR Records, Immunization Records, etc.

I’m not sure the best place to find these.

submitted by /u/Energizer100
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So growing up I’ve had a Pediatrician in New Jersey, then when I graduated from college in 2016 I had a PCP in Boston. Then in 2018 I switched my PCP to a doctor in San Francisco, then in 2019 I had switched it to a doctor in Oakland. I had been admitted to Graduate School in NYC and they are asking for MMR Records, Immunization Records, etc. I’m not sure the best place to find these.
submitted by /u/Energizer100 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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