out of pocket check from insurance?

I’m trying to see if anyone ever got this before, my wife and i did a blood test for sema4 for genetic testing. We were told insurance would cover it, but we got a EOB in the mail saying we might get a bill from sema4 for 12k and the insurance sent us a check for a few thousand to cover some of it. My question is has anyone ever seen this before? like what happens if sema4 never send a bill?

submitted by /u/scoobierex2012
[link] [comments]I’m trying to see if anyone ever got this before, my wife and i did a blood test for sema4 for genetic testing. We were told insurance would cover it, but we got a EOB in the mail saying we might get a bill from sema4 for 12k and the insurance sent us a check for a few thousand to cover some of it. My question is has anyone ever seen this before? like what happens if sema4 never send a bill? submitted by /u/scoobierex2012 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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