PA: Pennie website vs going with broker

Due to their limited English skills, I am helping my cousin obtain health insurance through Pennie (in time for the Jan 15 deadline, so they can get it Feb 1). Apparently a friend of a friend recommended going with a broker, instead of the pennie website. The broker also completes the pennie website but charges $150 extra, so it isn’t some non-marketplace plan. They say the monthly cost is lower too….but I find that hard to believe. Is it true that brokers have lower prices? I think they are just playing around with the tax incentives to make the monthly price lower. Can brokers (insurance agents) really get lower premiums?

submitted by /u/Potential_Village_a
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Due to their limited English skills, I am helping my cousin obtain health insurance through Pennie (in time for the Jan 15 deadline, so they can get it Feb 1). Apparently a friend of a friend recommended going with a broker, instead of the pennie website. The broker also completes the pennie website but charges $150 extra, so it isn’t some non-marketplace plan. They say the monthly cost is lower too….but I find that hard to believe. Is it true that brokers have lower prices? I think they are just playing around with the tax incentives to make the monthly price lower. Can brokers (insurance agents) really get lower premiums?
submitted by /u/Potential_Village_a [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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