Planned Parenthood processed the wrong insurance – now I’m being told my policy doesn’t cover my visit and I owe $400 for an STD test

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I went to Planned Parenthood a few months ago for an STD test. I’ve been going there for years to get this done every few months. I just turned 26 this year and got off my dad’s insurance and now have a new policy through my company. When I scheduled the appointment online, I updated the insurance information. When I checked in for my appointment, I handed the receptionist my new insurance card. When I was checking out, I made my copay and left expecting that to be the end of it.

A few weeks later, my dad received a bill with details of my visit (very awkward) because they processed it as if I was still on his insurance. I called to get it updated and they added my new policy. They told me not to pay anything because of the error and I would receive an updated summary of benefits etc. to my correct address.

My birth control RX recently expired so I made another appointment with PP last week to get a new RX. When I checked in, I told the receptionist I wanted to be sure they put the right insurance in and gave her my card. She took one look at the card and told me that they don’t take my insurance so I would need to pay out of pocket. I cancelled the appointment so I could go to a doctor that my insurance will cover.

Now I’m getting a bill from LabCorp for almost $400 for my tests a few months ago and a warning that it will be sent to a collection agency if it’s not paid immediately. When I received the first bill from LabCorp, I assumed it was an error based on the conversation I had with PP before but now that I’ve discovered that they don’t take my insurance, I assume I actually owe this.

I feel kind of screwed over right now and feel like this isn’t right. If I owe it, I owe it but I’m not very familiar with how this works. Shouldn’t they have told me during the visit a few months ago that my insurance wouldn’t cover it? Isn’t there some sort of violation in the details of my visit being sent to my dad? I just want to be sure of all of this before I hand over $400 for a damn STD test.

(I’m in TX btw if that matters)

submitted by /u/smilesmilez
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Someone recommended I share this here I went to Planned Parenthood a few months ago for an STD test. I’ve been going there for years to get this done every few months. I just turned 26 this year and got off my dad’s insurance and now have a new policy through my company. When I scheduled the appointment online, I updated the insurance information. When I checked in for my appointment, I handed the receptionist my new insurance card. When I was checking out, I made my copay and left expecting that to be the end of it. A few weeks later, my dad received a bill with details of my visit (very awkward) because they processed it as if I was still on his insurance. I called to get it updated and they added my new policy. They told me not to pay anything because of the error and I would receive an updated summary of benefits etc. to my correct address. My birth control RX recently expired so I made another appointment with PP last week to get a new RX. When I checked in, I told the receptionist I wanted to be sure they put the right insurance in and gave her my card. She took one look at the card and told me that they don’t take my insurance so I would need to pay out of pocket. I cancelled the appointment so I could go to a doctor that my insurance will cover. Now I’m getting a bill from LabCorp for almost $400 for my tests a few months ago and a warning that it will be sent to a collection agency if it’s not paid immediately. When I received the first bill from LabCorp, I assumed it was an error based on the conversation I had with PP before but now that I’ve discovered that they don’t take my insurance, I assume I actually owe this. I feel kind of screwed over right now and feel like this isn’t right. If I owe it, I owe it but I’m not very familiar with how this works. Shouldn’t they have told me during the visit a few months ago that my insurance wouldn’t cover it? Isn’t there some sort of violation in the details of my visit being sent to my dad? I just want to be sure of all of this before I hand over $400 for a damn STD test. (I’m in TX btw if that matters)
submitted by /u/smilesmilez [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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