Please help me figure out what to do next. (IL, USA Medicaid & Marketplace content)

For several years I qualified for Medicaid, and had a Medicaid plan (Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Illinois Medicaid plan)

Now, I make too much money. I actually make too much to qualify for an income tax credit. It’s that bad (or good, depending on how you wanna look at it).

When I started to make more money earlier this year, I called my Medicaid plan. I think it was a miscommunication or a mistake, but they told me I was stuck for a while, because it wasn’t an open enrollment period. However I’m pretty sure that if I get a denial letter from Medicaid, I would qualify for a special enrollment period, regardless of the current special enrollment period that is in effect until 8/15.

So what is next? Do I officially report my new income to Medicaid right away, and wait for them to cut me off?
Do I then go to and find a new plan immediately?

How do I avoid a lapse in coverage? I regularly fill prescriptions and see doctors for health issues and 110% cannot experience a lapse. Is the only way Medicaid will kick me off & qualify me for special enrollment if I call Medicaid and directly tell them my new income? Do they not have access to my income taxes?

Lastly, this might be infuriating to some people, but I want to know if there is some way or method or strategy in finding a lower cost health plan. Using some kind of calculator I found online, plugging in my income, age, smoking status, etc., it looks like I will be paying up to $400/month for health care! This makes me sick to my stomach! Yes yes, I can more than likely technically afford it now…but it’s still an absolutely absurdly insane cost.


submitted by /u/vanishing_birb
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For several years I qualified for Medicaid, and had a Medicaid plan (Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Illinois Medicaid plan) Now, I make too much money. I actually make too much to qualify for an income tax credit. It’s that bad (or good, depending on how you wanna look at it). When I started to make more money earlier this year, I called my Medicaid plan. I think it was a miscommunication or a mistake, but they told me I was stuck for a while, because it wasn’t an open enrollment period. However I’m pretty sure that if I get a denial letter from Medicaid, I would qualify for a special enrollment period, regardless of the current special enrollment period that is in effect until 8/15.
So what is next? Do I officially report my new income to Medicaid right away, and wait for them to cut me off?
Do I then go to and find a new plan immediately?

How do I avoid a lapse in coverage? I regularly fill prescriptions and see doctors for health issues and 110% cannot experience a lapse. Is the only way Medicaid will kick me off & qualify me for special enrollment if I call Medicaid and directly tell them my new income? Do they not have access to my income taxes?
Lastly, this might be infuriating to some people, but I want to know if there is some way or method or strategy in finding a lower cost health plan. Using some kind of calculator I found online, plugging in my income, age, smoking status, etc., it looks like I will be paying up to $400/month for health care! This makes me sick to my stomach! Yes yes, I can more than likely technically afford it now…but it’s still an absolutely absurdly insane cost. Thanks.
submitted by /u/vanishing_birb [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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