Pregnant and Broke, Qualifies for Medi-Cal? (There’s a catch)

Hey there,

Curious if anyone can advise. I keep trying to find an answer on my county’s MediCal page with no success (while experiencing crazy morning sickness – so that’s fun). I am about 9 weeks pregnant and am currently unemployed. I am finishing a master’s degree and pre-qualifications for licensure to become a therapist in CA. I was not laid off or let go so I do not qualify for unemployment. A friend of mine suggested that I apply for Medi-Cal stating that she felt I would fully qualify, but I’m not so sure because there is one catch…

I made probably about $100k last year, and my last month worked was October 2020. That was before I decided to pause on my former career to finish my graduate work. i had always planned to step away to finish the last few months of school and training and then return to my former career to stack up some more cash before finishing my transition to being an MFT, but that is not proving so easy now with this pregnancy. I am trying to keep myself afloat and don’t want to step away from the degree now, because I know it will be so much harder to finish it later. I am really struggling to figure out how to finish this degree and get decent care during my pregnancy.

If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it!

submitted by /u/sadth3rap1st
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Hey there, Curious if anyone can advise. I keep trying to find an answer on my county’s MediCal page with no success (while experiencing crazy morning sickness – so that’s fun). I am about 9 weeks pregnant and am currently unemployed. I am finishing a master’s degree and pre-qualifications for licensure to become a therapist in CA. I was not laid off or let go so I do not qualify for unemployment. A friend of mine suggested that I apply for Medi-Cal stating that she felt I would fully qualify, but I’m not so sure because there is one catch… I made probably about $100k last year, and my last month worked was October 2020. That was before I decided to pause on my former career to finish my graduate work. i had always planned to step away to finish the last few months of school and training and then return to my former career to stack up some more cash before finishing my transition to being an MFT, but that is not proving so easy now with this pregnancy. I am trying to keep myself afloat and don’t want to step away from the degree now, because I know it will be so much harder to finish it later. I am really struggling to figure out how to finish this degree and get decent care during my pregnancy. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it!
submitted by /u/sadth3rap1st [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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