Priority Health Healthy Michigan Plan Health Insurance: Moving States and Eligibility


I am in my 20s and going to graduate school in New York. I have priority health healthy Michigan plan and am not paying for anything for it.

-Will my plan be stopped if I move for school? According to this information is says that I am still eligible if I am reading it correctly:,5668,7-326-90904—,00.html.

-If my plan does cancel because of this, are there anything equivalent to this plan in NY?

submitted by /u/annamango
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Hello, I am in my 20s and going to graduate school in New York. I have priority health healthy Michigan plan and am not paying for anything for it. -Will my plan be stopped if I move for school? According to this information is says that I am still eligible if I am reading it correctly:,5668,7-326-90904—,00.html. -If my plan does cancel because of this, are there anything equivalent to this plan in NY?
submitted by /u/annamango [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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