Publishing Error in Captivate 17 – Help Please

Hi I am trying to publish a file that previously was publish as a Flash file but now I am trying to publish into HTLM.  When I try to publish I get the error below. Some files are giving this error, others are not and going though file. Any help would be appreciated.

The post Publishing Error in Captivate 17 – Help Please appeared first on eLearning.

Hi I am trying to publish a file that previously was publish as a Flash file but now I am trying to publish into HTLM.  When I try to publish I get the error below. Some files are giving this error, others are not and going though file. Any help would be appreciated.
The post Publishing Error in Captivate 17 – Help Please appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreDiscussion, 2017, discussion, elearning projects, publishing

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