Question: Adding a dependent to health insurance that is not in the US yet

Hello all, I have a question about a bit of a unique situation.

I just started a new job position with the 30-day enrollment ending soon. I have a wife and baby in another country that will be legally immigrating to the US this summer.

My question is should I add them as my dependent on my health insurance now? They have no SSN at the moment. Or could I add them once they come to the US? Legal immigration is a qualifying life event but I’m not sure if this applies to dependents as well.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/ariz_ccl
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Hello all, I have a question about a bit of a unique situation. I just started a new job position with the 30-day enrollment ending soon. I have a wife and baby in another country that will be legally immigrating to the US this summer. My question is should I add them as my dependent on my health insurance now? They have no SSN at the moment. Or could I add them once they come to the US? Legal immigration is a qualifying life event but I’m not sure if this applies to dependents as well. Thank you!
submitted by /u/ariz_ccl [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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