Received 7 month old bill, can’t appeal, help?!

My wife just received a bill from December and wants to dispute it. She had Covid and then pneumonia, but because she didn’t develop systems within 72 hours it’s being billed as different occurrences (according to our hospital we went to).

Problem is, she is no longer on that insurance plan and is now on mine (different companies). She can’t find her old member number anywhere, and whenever she calls customer service she just gets tossed around all over the place.

She was originally with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield (pretty sure Michigan, though we live in Ohio) through her employer.

I’m not even sure what to do or what to ask really… just looking for any sort of advice or tips. Didn’t know where else to turn to or who to ask, so I figured Reddit would have people who might be able to help, and I found this subreddit LOL.

Thanks for any help or advice.

submitted by /u/ThunderousDemon86
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My wife just received a bill from December and wants to dispute it. She had Covid and then pneumonia, but because she didn’t develop systems within 72 hours it’s being billed as different occurrences (according to our hospital we went to). Problem is, she is no longer on that insurance plan and is now on mine (different companies). She can’t find her old member number anywhere, and whenever she calls customer service she just gets tossed around all over the place. She was originally with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield (pretty sure Michigan, though we live in Ohio) through her employer. I’m not even sure what to do or what to ask really… just looking for any sort of advice or tips. Didn’t know where else to turn to or who to ask, so I figured Reddit would have people who might be able to help, and I found this subreddit LOL. Thanks for any help or advice.
submitted by /u/ThunderousDemon86 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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