Refund Requests

Hi! We have a high deductible plan, and being two generally healthy young adults very rarely meet our deductible. However, we had a baby this year and thus actually met both our deductible and out of pocket max.

We had several doctors visits etc. with a new baby and for ourselves after baby was born (knowing we met our OOP max) and purposefully scheduled my other son’s surgery after that point but before the new year wanting to make sure we got the benefits of actually reaching this OOP max (the OOP is family, not individual). BUT – a lot of the claims from the delivery had not posted at the time of my other son’s surgery, so we had to pay as if the OOP max had not been met.

I know we should get a refund, but I also know a lot of places don’t call when you do get a refund and you’re expected to follow up on it yourself. Because we’ve been so many different places between hospital, pediatrician, our own doctors, etc. I am not sure where all we will have refunds for or at which point exactly we hit our OOP max. If I call my insurance company will they be able to tell me where they sent refunds to? Or how should I find out that information other than trying to contact each of these different places individually?

submitted by /u/RSphysio
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Hi! We have a high deductible plan, and being two generally healthy young adults very rarely meet our deductible. However, we had a baby this year and thus actually met both our deductible and out of pocket max. We had several doctors visits etc. with a new baby and for ourselves after baby was born (knowing we met our OOP max) and purposefully scheduled my other son’s surgery after that point but before the new year wanting to make sure we got the benefits of actually reaching this OOP max (the OOP is family, not individual). BUT – a lot of the claims from the delivery had not posted at the time of my other son’s surgery, so we had to pay as if the OOP max had not been met. I know we should get a refund, but I also know a lot of places don’t call when you do get a refund and you’re expected to follow up on it yourself. Because we’ve been so many different places between hospital, pediatrician, our own doctors, etc. I am not sure where all we will have refunds for or at which point exactly we hit our OOP max. If I call my insurance company will they be able to tell me where they sent refunds to? Or how should I find out that information other than trying to contact each of these different places individually?
submitted by /u/RSphysio [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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