Scammed by anthem’s(Ohio) salesman

My gf has epilepsy and just moved out of parents health insurance in July. Long story short, salesman said one of the drugs she takes was tier 2 and covered, when in reality it is tier 3 and she has to pay way more than expected and she has to dip into savings to keep afloat. This is a big headache and I have no idea what to do. Should she sue (like small claims)? State is Ohio, Anthem blue cross blue shield is the health insurance. Please help I have no idea how to deal with this any advice is welcomed.

submitted by /u/GreeDplayer
[link] [comments]My gf has epilepsy and just moved out of parents health insurance in July. Long story short, salesman said one of the drugs she takes was tier 2 and covered, when in reality it is tier 3 and she has to pay way more than expected and she has to dip into savings to keep afloat. This is a big headache and I have no idea what to do. Should she sue (like small claims)? State is Ohio, Anthem blue cross blue shield is the health insurance. Please help I have no idea how to deal with this any advice is welcomed. submitted by /u/GreeDplayer [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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