Short-Term Health Insurance Plans

Hello. I am starting to second-guess my decision to put in my 2 weeks notice with my employer. I currently work for a large wireless carrier with amazing benefits. My current insurance has a $500 deductible, $2000 max out-of-pocket, and cheap copays for doctors/specialists/prescriptions/ER. This only costs me $107 a pay period for both me and my husband so typically only $214/mo. Here is the problem, I absolutely hate my job and I am extremely unhappy there. I am finishing my senior year of undergrad and also work an internship (work from home, rewarding work, relevant to my degree, no weekends, etc) so I’ll still have income but no benefits. I was under the impression that COBRA would let me continue to be covered but I had no idea that my employer contributed over $800 a month towards my premium and I absolutely cannot afford an $1000+ monthly premium. I also had no idea that it was so difficult to purchase health insurance and how expensive it is. Anyway I am considering purchasing a short term health insurance plan for me and my husband but have read a ton of reviews on how they don’t cover anything. Both of us are pretty healthy and rarely go to the doctor for anything. I have ADHD and have a monthly generic adderall prescription which is cheap on GoodRx anyway and I also take birth control which gets auto-renewed every 3 months. What’s making me consider a short-term health insurance plan is that I will be working for a top bank with great benefits come July. I’m just scared that an accident may happen or I could get COVID during that window and a short term plan won’t be sufficient. Any advice? Should I put my pride aside and try to rescind my 2 weeks notice and just be miserable for some health insurance?

submitted by /u/SatanicaFeminista
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Hello. I am starting to second-guess my decision to put in my 2 weeks notice with my employer. I currently work for a large wireless carrier with amazing benefits. My current insurance has a $500 deductible, $2000 max out-of-pocket, and cheap copays for doctors/specialists/prescriptions/ER. This only costs me $107 a pay period for both me and my husband so typically only $214/mo. Here is the problem, I absolutely hate my job and I am extremely unhappy there. I am finishing my senior year of undergrad and also work an internship (work from home, rewarding work, relevant to my degree, no weekends, etc) so I’ll still have income but no benefits. I was under the impression that COBRA would let me continue to be covered but I had no idea that my employer contributed over $800 a month towards my premium and I absolutely cannot afford an $1000+ monthly premium. I also had no idea that it was so difficult to purchase health insurance and how expensive it is. Anyway I am considering purchasing a short term health insurance plan for me and my husband but have read a ton of reviews on how they don’t cover anything. Both of us are pretty healthy and rarely go to the doctor for anything. I have ADHD and have a monthly generic adderall prescription which is cheap on GoodRx anyway and I also take birth control which gets auto-renewed every 3 months. What’s making me consider a short-term health insurance plan is that I will be working for a top bank with great benefits come July. I’m just scared that an accident may happen or I could get COVID during that window and a short term plan won’t be sufficient. Any advice? Should I put my pride aside and try to rescind my 2 weeks notice and just be miserable for some health insurance?
submitted by /u/SatanicaFeminista [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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