Should I get insurance after having a baby? If so, what kind would help my needs?

(hope it’s the right flair) hi I live in Louisiana, 70648, and my annual is $23,000 range. Ok so me and and my hubby were talking about healthcare cause I have a lot of issue due to bad genes. (Depressed, ADHD, anxiety, fybromialgia, heart palpitations) Ik know that I will have an insurance when I’m pregnant but I wanna know if I should be looking ahead of time when it runs out. I would like to go to therapy to talk too, but it’s not necessary Dental is also another thing I need but ik the insurance is bad, is there a type of card I can get to pay monthly. I thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/OwlsAreNeat96
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(hope it’s the right flair) hi I live in Louisiana, 70648, and my annual is $23,000 range. Ok so me and and my hubby were talking about healthcare cause I have a lot of issue due to bad genes. (Depressed, ADHD, anxiety, fybromialgia, heart palpitations) Ik know that I will have an insurance when I’m pregnant but I wanna know if I should be looking ahead of time when it runs out. I would like to go to therapy to talk too, but it’s not necessary Dental is also another thing I need but ik the insurance is bad, is there a type of card I can get to pay monthly. I thank you in advance.
submitted by /u/OwlsAreNeat96 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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