Spouse and I will both be unemployed soon, do we just go on ACA and sign up?

My husband is currently unemployed and I’m set to lose my job at the end of the month and lose my medical insurance as well. Do I just log into ACA and sign up? How do they determine the cost when the income is coming from unemployment income? We also have one child can we have a ACA and my child have chip?

submitted by /u/Zestyclose-Read6592
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My husband is currently unemployed and I’m set to lose my job at the end of the month and lose my medical insurance as well. Do I just log into ACA and sign up? How do they determine the cost when the income is coming from unemployment income? We also have one child can we have a ACA and my child have chip?
submitted by /u/Zestyclose-Read6592 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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