Submit Button Not working


I’m using the most current version of Captivate, I’m have an issue with Submit buttons no working consistently. Well, consistent in the fact that if a user has the Submit button fail it’s always on the same button. But some will have the issue and others proceed without incident. This is with courses that previously worked without issue, until we brought them into the most current Captivate to re-publish for HTML5.

Any suggestions on what would cause this? And how to resolve?

The post Submit Button Not working appeared first on eLearning.

Hi, I’m using the most current version of Captivate, I’m have an issue with Submit buttons no working consistently. Well, consistent in the fact that if a user has the Submit button fail it’s always on the same button. But some will have the issue and others proceed without incident. This is with courses that previously worked without issue, until we brought them into the most current Captivate to re-publish for HTML5. Any suggestions on what would cause this? And
The post Submit Button Not working appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreDiscussion, Adobe Captivate 2019, discussion, question slides, quizzes

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