Switching from solo plan to husbands employer backed plan..

Quick question, I’m currently on a solo plan with BCBS (Florida), my husband was offered a great employer backed plan for 2021 (wooohoo!) the plan is also with BcBS. He signed us up today, will I need to let BCBS know of my plan change for the new year or will it automatically switch since he gave my ssn and info?

submitted by /u/WhoMakesTheRulesTho
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Quick question, I’m currently on a solo plan with BCBS (Florida), my husband was offered a great employer backed plan for 2021 (wooohoo!) the plan is also with BcBS. He signed us up today, will I need to let BCBS know of my plan change for the new year or will it automatically switch since he gave my ssn and info?
submitted by /u/WhoMakesTheRulesTho [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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