Teddy! Test your dog training skills! Will Teddy’s puppyhood be a walk in the park – or terrorize the neighborhood?

“Teddy” is an interactive video project about dog training intended for the Adobe eLearning Showcase Challenge – Fall 2020. Spend a day in the life of a dog owner making decisions about training a pup who is adorable, but a real handful! The project is designed for desktop viewing and utilizes interactive video and sound. The choices are almost too easy, but Captivate is a champ at interactive video! Good luck and don’t forget to bring your dog treats!


The post Teddy! Test your dog training skills! Will Teddy’s puppyhood be a walk in the park – or terrorize the neighborhood? appeared first on eLearning.

“Teddy” is an interactive video project about dog training. It is designed for desktop viewing and utilizes interactive video and audio.
The post Teddy! Test your dog training skills! Will Teddy’s puppyhood be a walk in the park – or terrorize the neighborhood? appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreInteractive eLearning, Learning interactions, Sample Project or Free Asset, interactive elearning, Learning Interactions, sample project or free asset, Sample Projects

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