Thriving as an Introvert in an Extroverted World


Learn how to thrive as an introvert with this superhero inspired elearning activity.

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Inspired by superheroes, this elearning activity has been created for fellow introverts or those with introverted tendencies. In a society that embraces extroversion, it’s quite common to feel misunderstood or feel you need to change. Learn how to embrace your natural introverted powers and succeed in an extroverted society.
In this activity, you will discover the different tips and strategies that help introverts thrive at work and in their social lives.
The post Thriving as an Introvert in an Extroverted World appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreeLearning_Showcase_Challenge_Fall2020, ShowcaseCategory, ShowcaseProjects, elearning_showcase_challenge_fall2020, Sample Projects, showcasecategory, showcaseprojects

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