Trying to decide between plans, advice please.

Hello, thanks to you Amazing individuals I realized I can enroll in health coverage. I’m looking at two different plans through AmBetter but I’m not sure which is the right choice.

Tiny backstory, I haven’t had health insurance since I was a child, I have undiagnosed medical conditions and anticipate using my health insurance quite a bit. Likely multiple specialist visits, diagnostic testing, especially in the first year, possibly surgeries.

The two plans I’m looking at are

Ambetter Secure Care 202 Monthly $451 Deductible $1150 Out of Pocket Max -$4450

AmBetter Secure Care 201 Monthly $405 Deductible $3200 Out of Pocket Max $3200

The difference in the plans seems to be 201 doesn’t cover anything until the deductible is met, and then it covers everything. However if I’m understanding correctly on 202 once the deductible is met it’s 20% coinsurance until the out of pocket max, and then everything is covered?

Honestly I just don’t want to sign up for a plan and then not be covered, or owe over the max out of pocket.

submitted by /u/ZoeyMoon
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Hello, thanks to you Amazing individuals I realized I can enroll in health coverage. I’m looking at two different plans through AmBetter but I’m not sure which is the right choice. Tiny backstory, I haven’t had health insurance since I was a child, I have undiagnosed medical conditions and anticipate using my health insurance quite a bit. Likely multiple specialist visits, diagnostic testing, especially in the first year, possibly surgeries. The two plans I’m looking at are Ambetter Secure Care 202 Monthly $451 Deductible $1150 Out of Pocket Max -$4450 AmBetter Secure Care 201 Monthly $405 Deductible $3200 Out of Pocket Max $3200 The difference in the plans seems to be 201 doesn’t cover anything until the deductible is met, and then it covers everything. However if I’m understanding correctly on 202 once the deductible is met it’s 20% coinsurance until the out of pocket max, and then everything is covered? Honestly I just don’t want to sign up for a plan and then not be covered, or owe over the max out of pocket.
submitted by /u/ZoeyMoon [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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