Turned 26 and got kicked off parents plan, not sure which plan to get from work?

So the cheapest insurance is $40 a month, 3k deductible and doesn’t cover much

The next one is $120 a month, $1500 deductible and 20% out of pocket after deductible is met

Then there’s a $180 a month plan with Kaiser with only $250 deductible but then I can only go to Kaiser

There’s also a $200 and $300 plan with both with $500 deductibles and 20% and 10% out of pocket

Don’t think I can afford those so picking between first 3, which should I get? Besides Kaiser they are all blue shield

submitted by /u/punchingtigers19
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So the cheapest insurance is $40 a month, 3k deductible and doesn’t cover much The next one is $120 a month, $1500 deductible and 20% out of pocket after deductible is met Then there’s a $180 a month plan with Kaiser with only $250 deductible but then I can only go to Kaiser There’s also a $200 and $300 plan with both with $500 deductibles and 20% and 10% out of pocket Don’t think I can afford those so picking between first 3, which should I get? Besides Kaiser they are all blue shield
submitted by /u/punchingtigers19 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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